Our Living World | Netflix
Field Producer/Director: Netflix/Wild Space Productions, Coming 2024
Our Living World: All across its thin green-blue veneer, the Earth pulses with life. Building on astonishing scientific revelations and featuring stunning footage of the planet’s incredible natural networks, Our Living World is the definitive celebration of our living planet, revealing the astonishing web of connections that unites us all and sustains our universe’s most magical phenomenon — life.
The Battle to Beat Malaria | PBS NOVA
Field Producer: PBS NOVA/Wingspan Productions, November 2023
Are scientists on the verge of a breakthrough in the fight against malaria, one of humanity’s oldest and most devastating plagues? Follow researchers as they develop and test a promising new vaccine on a quest to save millions of lives.
Frozen Planet II Ep 6 | BBC One
Field Producer/Director methane sequence: BBC One, September 2022, 6x 60’ documentary
Life in the extreme. In a fragile world of beauty and hostility, nature finds a way to survive and thrive. Sir David Attenborough explores a planet on the brink of major change. Loss of sea ice impacts not just wildlife but people too and these changes happening in the Arctic have the potential to affect people far beyond. On Alaska’s open tundra, bubbling lakes hint at the gases being released from the previously frozen soil, including the potent greenhouse gas methane.

Wings Over Water | 3D IMAX
Winner of 2022 GSCA Achievement Awards for Best Film-Short Subject, Best Cinematography, Best Sound Design, Best Visual Effects and Best Film for Lifelong Learning
Associate Producer: 3D IMAX/Archipelago Productions, September 2021, 1x 60’ documentary
As the glaciers retreated at the end of the last ice age, they left an astounding gift of connected rivers, lakes and wetlands across the heartland of North America. Today, these largely unknown water highways remain an oasis for sustaining wildlife. From the herds of bison that still roam the Great Plains to the vital honeybees that pollinate our crops and especially for the millions of magnificent birds that migrate along these “flyways.”

American Spring LIVE | PBS NATURE
Field Producer/Director: PBS Nature, April/ May 2019, 3x 60’ documentary
Spring is one of nature’s greatest performances – a time of rebirth, renewed energy and dramatic transformations. For three consecutive nights, Monday, April 29 – Wednesday, May 1 at 8:00 p.m. ET on PBS and Facebook, American Spring LIVE presented the change from winter to spring in real time from iconic locations across America.
Fast-Forward: Look Into Your Future | PBS
Assistant Producer: PBS/FLX Productions, Fall 2019, 1x 60’ documentary
Investigating the various facets of aging in America through the lens of younger generations (aged 30-65) to determine how Americans think of their later years and how they can prepare for old age, both for themselves and together with their families, well before a life-limiting diagnosis.
The Great Call
Producer: One Health Productions, ongoing, 1x90’ documentary
Exploring how music is influenced by our environments through bioacoustics and the gibbons of Borneo, this documentary weaves high tech with old narrative for a fresh perspective on conservation practices through local culture.

Genius By Stephen Hawking | PBS
Assistant Producer: National Geographic International/Bigger Bang Productions, May 2016, 1x 44' documentary
World-famous scientist Stephen Hawking sets a series of mental and physical challenges for three ordinary people to think like a genius. In this episode they find out if time travel is possible.

Mission Pluto | National Geographic
Assistant Producer: National Geographic International/Bigger Bang Productions, July 2015, 1x 44' documentary
Following the pioneering New Horizons spacecraft on its 3 billion mile mission to Pluto - at the intersection of scientific imagination, engineering triumphs and human exploration.

Humanity from Space | PBS
Researcher: PBS/ Discovery US/DSP Productions, Apr 2015, 1x 111' documentary
Epic data-driven production across Canada, US and Europe investigating global interconnected networks; their origins, success and future challenges.

Human Universe | BBC2
Researcher: BBC2, Oct 2014, 60' documentary
Landmark BBC series presented by physicist Professor Brian Cox asking the big questions about the human race; who we are, why we’re here and where we’re going.

Climate Change By Numbers | BBC Studios
Winner of The AAAS Gold Award for in-depth television reporting
Researcher: BBC4, March 2015, 1x 90' documentary
Probing the facts behind the stats in the greatest science investigation on Earth - how climate scientists calculate the claims and how certain we can be about them.

The Joy Of Logic | BBC4
Winner of the Best International Film Award at the AFO
Nominated for the Grierson Award for Best Science Documentary 2014
Researcher: BBC4/Wingspan Productions, Dec 2013, 60' documentary
How the rules of logic have shaped our modern world – from Aristotle to Alice in Wonderland; the foundations of maths to the future of computing with Professor Dave Cliff.

Don't Panic - The Truth About Population | BBC2
Winner of the 2013 RTS Innovation Award
Researcher: BBC2/Wingspan Productions, Nov 2013, 1x 60' documentary
A statistical tour-de-force revealing the truth about global population rise through state of the art 3D graphics presented by the indomitable Professor Hans Rosling.
Everyday Eden | BBC4
Production Co-ordinator: BBC4/Wingspan Productions, Mar 2014, 60' documentary
The surprising and barely told story of the suburban garden - historian and journalist Michael Collins follows Londoners away from the city in search of a piece of heaven.
The Cure | Al Jazeera English
Researcher: Al Jazeera English, Summer 2013, 12x 30 documentary
Presented by practicing medics, this series takes you on a journey to the frontiers of world health, to some of the most intractable health problems and the inspirational people working to find a cure.

earthrise | Al Jazeera English
Winner of the 2012 FPA Award for Best Environmental Story
Researcher: Al Jazeera English, Summer 2013, 12x 30 documentary
Award-winning series exploring solutions to environmental challenges around the world - positive insights from the frontline of technology and innovation.